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Results 31 to 40 of 89
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Ginkgo biloba

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  70 feet
Spread:  60 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A true 150 million year old relic with uniquely fan-shaped leaves; absolutely beautiful form and habit of growth, golden fall...

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Princeton Sentry Ginkgo
Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  60 feet
Spread:  30 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A true 150 million year old relic with distinctive fan-shaped leaves; this variety features a narrowly pyramidal form and...

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Shademaster Honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos 'Shademaster'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  45 feet
Spread:  40 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

One of the finest and most popular shade trees, valued for its delicate, ferny appearance which casts a dappled shade below;...

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Skyline Honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos 'Skycole'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  45 feet
Spread:  35 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A very popular shade tree, valued for its delicate, ferny appearance which casts a dappled shade below, notably more upright...

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Sunburst Honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos 'Suncole'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  40 feet
Spread:  35 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A very popular shade tree, valued for its delicate, ferny appearance which casts a dappled shade below; foliage emerges a...

Plant Photo 6
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Japanese Larch
Larix kaempferi

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  70 feet
Spread:  35 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A tall and narrowly upright coniferous tree with deciduous needles which progress from green in spring to blue-green in summer,...

Plant Photo 7
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Larix laricina

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  50 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A tall spire-like coniferous tree with deciduous needles starting bright green in spring and turning brilliant gold in fall;...

Plant Photo 8
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Liriodendron tulipifera

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  90 feet
Spread:  50 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

One of the tallest native trees of eastern North America, features uniquely shaped leaves and large yellow tulip-shaped flowers...

Plant Photo 9
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Galaxy Magnolia
Magnolia 'Galaxy'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  30 feet
Spread:  25 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A can't-miss accent tree for home landscapes, smothered in large purple-pink flowers in mid-spring, showy for miles around; a...

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Judy Zuk Magnolia
Magnolia 'Judy Zuk'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  8 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A stunning magnolia that produces luminous yellow blooms with plum flushed bases; a small tree with an upright columnar form and...

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